What is an Interactive Experience Platform?
A great experience can change someone's perspective of the world.

So you keep hearing about interactive experiences? With the rise of the Experience Economy and the growing need for people to engage their communities in more creative ways, interactive experiences are taking off. By marrying real-life activity with app functionality, interactive experiences, and the platforms that enable them, are allowing people to re-connect with the world and people around them.
What are interactive experiences?
Experiences that encourage you to feel involved by actively engaging with your senses, surroundings, and other people.
What is an interactive experience platform (IXP)?
Software that enables people to build and run interactive experiences for their communities or organizations.
Who are interactive experience platforms for?
Anyone with a group of people to engage, a goal to hit, and an appetite for doing things the unconventional (aka fun) way.
What are examples of interactive experiences?

Self-guided tours
A self-guided tour of your ski resort that prompts visitors to check in at each lift, take a photo with every trail sign, and share a video of someone performing an impressive trick on social media.
Active learning technology
The history class everyone waits for: students step away from their desks and work in teams to review past modules by texting in answers, directing 30 sec cinematic masterpieces, and snapping photos of them reenacting key events.

Dynamic onboarding
Get onboarding for your new interns under control by giving them a combination of administrative and social tasks to complete, culminating in a welcome cocktail hour when you award prizes to the most engaged participants.
Events and festivals
Your state fair is expecting over a million guests this year. Visitors access a free food tour through an app that takes them from booth to booth, strategically driving traffic to sponsors and getting a ton of awesome photos and videos to use in future marketing.

So where do we come in?
From enabling scavenger hunts for the masses for 10+ years, Goosechase has evolved into the world's first (and best!) interactive experience platform. We understand the power of experiences that connect, inspire and educate and are committed to leading the charge on the IXP revolution.
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